What Are Plastics?
Plastics are a group of materials made from polymers, which are long chains of molecules. They are made from a variety of natural and synthetic sources, such as petroleum, and can be molded into a wide variety of shapes and forms when heated. Plastics are used in a wide range of products, including packaging, consumer goods, and construction materials. They are known for their durability, low cost, and versatility. However, they are not biodegradable, and their disposal and accumulation in the environment, especially in the oceans, has become a significant environmental concern.
How Are Plastics Made?
There are many different methods for making plastics, but the most common methods involve using heat and pressure to combine the monomers and form the polymer. Some plastics are made from natural materials such as cellulose, while others are made from synthetic materials such as petrochemicals. Additionally, some plastics can be made through bioprocessing methods, using microorganisms to convert raw materials into polymers.
What are Plastics used for?
Plastics are used for a wide variety of products and applications, including packaging, textiles, building and construction materials, electronic devices, transportation, medical equipment, and many more. Some specific examples include plastic bags, bottles, containers, packaging film, pipes, automotive parts, toys, and medical implants. Plastics are valued for their durability, strength, and versatility, as well as their relatively low cost.
What are the Reasons for Using Plastic in Production?
Many products are produced by many manufacturers using plastic raw materials. The main reasons why manufacturers and consumers prefer plastic products are:
They’re light.
Being a good insulator against electricity, heat and temperature.
They are hygienic.
Being resistant to chemicals.
They offer high impact strength and flexibility.
They are easy to handle.
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Low cost.
Ability to last for many years.
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What are the Plastic Raw Materials?NEXT